State Tax Inspectorate (VMI), Social Security Fond (SODRA), Centre of Registers, internet directories and companies owning websites
EVERY DAYTherefore, we supply only the
XSL is perfect for EXCEL and other office tools
XML allows to integrate data into variuos systems
Choose selection by turnover, region, activity, number of employees, credit rating and other criteria
Choose from over 4.000 very precise different activities and products
Get information and correct contacts of newly established companies
Possibility to select companies from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and get data in several languages
File with selected companies is generated automatically and delivered online right away
If there is any incorrect contact information, we will update it expeditiously for free
Creditreform Lietuva provides services not only in Lithuania, but in all countries, where the offices of Creditreform are located. Creditreform group is in the market since 1879. Today we have over 5.000 employees who provide service to over 165.000 clients all over the world
We provide not only the marketing information but also the data about companies intended for decisions regarding the crediting as well as services of pre-trial and judicial collection of debts.
You can use all of our services through our webpage after becoming CR member. For more about our services please click here
We have Creditreform offices in the following countries:
Austria | Bulgaria | Switzerland | China | Czech Republic | Germany | Croatia | Hungary | Italy | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Moldavia | Poland | Romania | Serbia | Slovenia | Slovakia | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Estonia | Russia